For students enrolled in a veterinary technology program

Join us for two days of lectures exploring what options there are for RVTs in equine practice, and wet labs focused on horses.

For 2024, registration was open to registered vet tech students in Alberta and Saskatchewan only. For 2025, we hope to expand to other provinces.


Through the generous support of Spotlight sponsors, funding was provided in 2024 for 6 students to attend from each of the vet tech schools in Alberta and Saskatchewan (Numbers from each school and provinces involved may change for 2025). Hotel accommodations, travel reimbursement, and lunch on both days is included in registration.

Hotel accommodations: Each school will be assigned hotel rooms; room occupancy is 2 students per room.

Travel: Reimbursement for mileage will be offered on as a set amount predetermined for each school. Round trip driving reimbursements are based on 3 students per vehicle.

Students must register through their school. Registration is open to current vet tech students only. Registration forms will be provided to the schools in September 2024.


2024 Schedule (2025 schedule planning underway)


8:30-9:00am - Registration

9:00-noon - Anesthesia Demonstration, and Zoetis Technical Skills Wet Lab

Students will participate in anesthetizing a horse under isoflurane anesthesia, and practice specific technical skills.

12:00-1:00pm - Lunch and Practice/Industry Exhibits

1:00-5:00pm - Lectures

1:00-1:20 - State of the Industry - RVTs in Equine Practice

1:20-1:40 - Spotlight on Mixed Practice

1:40-2:00 - Techniques in Sports Medicine

2:00-2:20 - Serum Amyloid A

2:20-2:40 - Break 

2:40-3:00 - Techniques in Colic Workup

3:00-3:20 - Techniques in Fluid Therapy

3:20-3:40 - Break

3:40-4:00 - Spotlight on General Equine Practice

4:00-4:20 - Equine Vaccines

4:20-4:40 - Spotlight on a Day in the Life: Different Roles in Practice

4:40-5:00 - Break/Set Up for Happy Hour


9:00-noon - Lectures

9:00-9:20 - Techniques in Dentistry

9:20-9:40 - Spotlight on Equine Nursing

9:40-10:00 - Regenerative Medicine

10:00-10:20 - Spotlight on MRI

10:20-10:40 - Break

10:40-11:00 - Spotlight on Nuclear Scintigraphy

11:00-11:20 - Spotlight on Foals

11:20-11:40 - Spotlight on Equine/Small Animal Mixed Practice

11:40-12:00 - Techniques in Radiography

12:00-1:00pm - Lunch and Practice/Industry Exhibits

1:00-4:00pm - Radiography / IV Catheter Placement Wet Lab

Students will learn techniques in taking radiographs on live horses, and will practice placing IV catheters on live horses.